Sunday, January 20, 2013

General Principles for Managing Economies

I can only advise readers to watch my somewhat better informed commentary (better informed than central bankers anyway) here on this Blog and to contact me for any further details they may be interested in.

My life's work has been the development of ways to avoid the kind of crises that we are now facing and fortunately it also reveals ways of handling them.

The mathematics of instability as used by engineers does not lie. It is freely available on my blogs, for example at:

Everyone knows that there are upwards and downwards spirals in the business cycle, but how to minimise these to the extent that they can be countered by a small Keynesian stimulus and how to apply that stimulus and how to fund it are not well known.

Milton Friedman rightly says that money creation should be on a drip at a time basis not related to the swings and roundabouts of the economy itself.

But so long as the above instabilities are not attended to the political feedback into the economy, creating damaging interventions will continue.

I can be contacted at

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